Aah...the convenience of online shopping. Like a kid counting down to Christmas morning, my excitement builds from the time I press Amazon's yellow checkout button. The app dings letting me track my delivery-only 5 stops away.
It's here! It's here!
The thrill of opening my latest order-even if it's only a box of lightbulb shaped paperclips.
During lockdowns and restrictions, we were forced to think out of the box and adapt our habits-

especially when it came to buying essentials. From groceries to the coveted web cam for Zoom calls, online purchases became the norm.
Fast facts
Adults 50 and older are the fastest growing segment of online shoppers and technical product spenders.
56 cents of every dollar are spent by someone from this segment.
This collective buying power amounts to over $8 trillion or 40 percent of the U.S. GDP or the equivalent of the third largest economy in the world-take that Japan!
As the saying goes "old habits die hard"; however, the latest study from Pew shows 1 in 5 plans to keep newfound tech habits-including online shopping. I don't know about you, but I expect the instant gratification of ordering an item and having it arrive conveniently at my doorstep-sometime within hours. No more getting in the car (gas is how much a gallon??), searching a usually empty store shelf, or waiting in line.
Have you adopted new shopping habits? Use curbside delivery? Share with us what you're shopping for!