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Like sands in an hourglass...

...these are the days of our lives.

On this Pearl Harbor Day, I reflect on a wonderful experience I had 4 years ago-accompanying my son to Hawaii for the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. His marching band represented our state in the parade and commemoration activities.

The opportunity to meet survivors of the Ford Is. bombing that fateful day and hear from admirals and others imprinted on my life.

Earlier that day, I took a leap, literally, and jumped out of a plane at 12,000 feet above the ocean. The feeling of freefall above the aquamarine blue is unmatched.

Fast forward 4 years and the perennial interview question, "Where do you see yourself in X years?" comes to mind. For me, certainly not working from home on an icy crisp day.

Rewind your life a moment-not one of us could project what we've experienced this year...and, hopefully, a death knell to that silly interview question.

How often do you reflect on your past? Have you ever done something out of the ordinary? Share your thoughts! #memories #PearlHarborDay

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